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Crappy form. I'm starting to lean too far forward when I run again. I did a good job of fixing that in the spring but I'm going back to my old habits. It probably also explains why my left knee is starting to bug me and why my hamstrings are so tired and beat up.

Super rundown. Looking at my log last year, it seems like I hit the crapper at this point last year. Maybe its the heat? I've been adapting my hard paces to the conditions but still am beat up. the easy days feel easy but maybe they are too fast for the conditions.

Super sleepy. I've been really tired for the last week or so. During the school year, I get 6-7 hours at night but lately, I've been getting 6-7 at night and have also taken a 2-3 hour nap the last few days. Heat related? Iron issues? I started taking one iron pill a day again to be safe. I'll probably also get my numbers checked again in a few weeks.



I felt really run down this week, too. I blame the heat. A day off really helped me.