Run: Long Previous Next


22.1 mi


6:02 mi


Mid-Upper 40s.

Didn't get started on this until about 10:30 because of rain. Ran the extended St. Blaise with a Lot Loop before stopping back home and chugging some water. Started running sub 6:00 pace by the sixth mile but slowed down some early on in the Boomer. Was getting a little tired/hungry and pretty thirsty around 15 in and the thirst only got worse throughout the run.The hills were a little tougher than usual and picked it up a bit the last mile to finish in 5:29.

A little tired at the end but not too bad. I feel I need at least 1-2 more of these runs before Houston but this was probably my last one.

First long run in my Newtons. My arches were getting achy and I almost switched my shoes after St. Blaise. I've been running in them quite a bit and maybe they are a little too soft to wear so often. Still like them though.



I have been wondering about those shoes. Think you will get another pair?