Run: Run Adjustment Previous Next


11.8 mi


6:28 mi


Plan was 3x4.5ish miles on my loop, with a downhill extension on the end and 1k steady jog uphill recovery. I started it and then stopped about 1/4 mile in because my brain hurt.

Was pretty certain before this that I was going to drop CIM and look at the full or half at Houston. I'm a little behind where I need to be and maybe I'd be fit for CIM but training would have to go perfect, which it rarely does. I have to pick and choose my marathons carefully because I want that sub 2:15 (but wouldn't mind 2:13) and want to be ready with all the tools in my arsenal on race day. Like Canova says, an athlete shouldn't follow a program, the program should follow the athlete.

But I decided to stick with my planned workout in case it went super well. But all this stuff made it hard to focus at all, so I just jogged.
