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9.6 mi


ASICS Piranha


After reading got canceled, I decided to go ahead and do this workout so I could get it done in the morning, even though it was already hot. Ran the same session as a couple weeks ago: 2 miles, 4:00 rest, 1 mile, 3:00 rest, 8x1/4 mile with 1:00 rest. Ran 10:36 (5:09, 5:27), 5:10, 71.9, 69.4, 72.5, 71.6, 72.9, 72.3, 72.0, 68.9. I went out a little fast and had to really back off. The 5:09 felt very relaxed even though I got stung by a wasp/bee right above the tongue of my shoe a few minutes in. The 5:10 felt pretty hard and I really felt the pain during the 400s. I figured I'm either a little worn out from the long run or all the blood I had drawn yesterday. Tough workout but I'm glad I got it done.
