Run: Moloko Previous Next


5.4 mi


9:38 mi


65 F


There are probably two important reasons why snoz beetle supply falls low enough to drive the flying monkeys out into the brighter paths crossed by Sunday walkers. The first, of course, comes from the well-storied years of cities' expansion. As the cities have grown, natural flying monkey habitats have shrunk away. The few hollows that remain barely suffice to support the monkeys and their food and shelter needs. Given the monkey hunting parties that used to roam the land, the monkeys are not shy about seeking revenge as their hunger grows. The second reason why the snoz beetles are often inadequate to support the monkey populations, of course, is because they also serve as a food source for the otherwise vegetarian green bears.

Oh. And I fell down and cut the crap out of my hand. I bruised it too. I guess I could NOT clear that fallen log. Idiot.
