Run: Gorch Fock Previous Next


7:34 AM

26.2 mi


9:59 mi


65 F
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Marathon - Grandmas

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Ideal weather at the start. Comfy 3:45-3:50 pace through mile 11. Then my nagging calf injury exploded. Held on kinda for another 2 miles then it was just too painful. Walked until I got bored, then ran until I hurt too much. Repeat. Last mile was sub-8 pace cuz I had just had myself a "beer" (High Life, lite) and wanted to get the thing over with.

The conversation:

Me - What are you doing?

Me - Walking?

Me - Why?

Me - Cuz my calf hurts like a mofo knife is jabbed in it deeper with each step.

Me - Right, so why not just call it a day.

Me - Cuz running is stupid and I am stupid.

Me - You have like 12 miles to go.

Me - You are right, maybe I should try to run.

Me - You are stupid.

Woman running alongside me - Hey, run harder, you trained for this

Me - Actually, no, I did not. That is the problem.

Me - Dude, you are stupid.

Me - Yep, but I paid for that $4 tee shirt and medal and I'm gonna go get them.

Me - Dude.

Anyhow, the beer at Little Angies and then at Fitgers was right on.
