Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:35 AM

4.4 mi


6:18 mi


33 F
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Good run not too hard. Needed something to liven up the legs, and it was cold so I didn't want to be out long. Probably off tomorrow finish up my miles on Saturday, off Sunday, Then Monday I start upping the mileage again, and getting a workout or two each week, with the continued 3 weeks on, then a dip week.

2:00 Running dumbbells

2x20 crunches

2x20 bicycle crunches

2x10 captain's chair crunch (on chair w/out arms)

2x15 hip hike

I plan on running the Capital City 10 miler on 4/3, followed by the American Odyssey Relay on 4/29-30, then Pocono Mountains Marathon or Shires of Vermont Marathon on 5/15, Followed by Rothrock Trail Challenge 30k on 6/4, after that some down time or maybe a 40 mile trail run in WV on 6/18 for fun. After that I plan on no running for 2 weeks, then some light running and biking with Sarah, and finding some stuff for the fall.
