Swim: Back Stroke Previous Next


2600 yd


1:42 / 100yd

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<No name>


This was fun. Circle swimming gives more room in the lane which is good so that Robin and I don't take each other out flip turning. On previous playdates Robin does a mile and counts and I stop when she stops, this works out well because I get distracted with my own thoughts and can't count laps at the same time. So today I was waiting for her to stop and she didn't, in my mind I was like "wtf, I know this was more than a mile" and it was, so again I am going to work on a system to count laps so I know what the hell is going on.



backstroke? well that's why you were so slow. oh and february was a bump up month to 1.2 miles. we still went over but that is what i was supposed to do.