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8:30 PM

3.7 mi


8:22 mi


.....aaannddd Summer training has begun. After taking 2 weeks off I was planning on starting running tomorrow since I don't have class, however I was itching to run all day and got out of lab over 1 hour early!! Got home around 8:30 and fit in a 30 min run before it got too dark. Actually felt surprisingly good and was excited to be running again. probably started my run off too quickly since I was so excited and was not feeling as good by the end.

I'm really worried about keeping up a good running schedule these next 3 weeks until class is over with. The most difficult days will be lab where I typically don't get out until 9:15-9:20. I have been trying to wake up early to do my homework to stop myself from staying up too late, so maybe I'll end up running later in the morning to get more sleep and staying up later? Or just run first thing when I wake up then study after running, before work... hmmm

I'm sure I'll work it out. The most difficult days will be tue-thur when I have lab.

As my middle school violin teacher always said "you never have time to practice, you have to make time to practice" and while I rolled my eyes at her and still never practiced my violin, I'm a much more dedicated runner than musician. It's just another challenge I'll work through.



welcome back shanny!!

Shannon Trant

Thanks!! I'm excited to be running again =)


I like your middle school music teacher!

Maddie Dery

Don't worry I never practiced my violin either