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6:58 AM

27.1 mi


9:19 mi


159.5 lb
142 bpm
158 bpm


48 F


6 / 10
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20.9 Pete's to Tow Path north and back

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This was a long run for sure. I'll fill this in some more later because I'm too tired right now. It was so great to finish it with the rest of the team. I feel like I could sleep for a couple days right now. I'm feeling sore overall, but no problem areas at this point. We'll see how well I'm walking around tomorrow.

I need to break this down for future reference:

As usual, I did not have the best night sleep before this. I always get a bit nervous before these really long runs. I think that's to be expected. When the alarm went off at 6:15, I did not want to do this, but I got up and went though my routine and ate a normal breakfast and about a half cup of coffee.

Got to Pete's a bit late, but I still figured I was ok on time and I could shorten a few minutes if I had too. First 6 miles were mostly uneventful running to the Towpath, but I realized I was going to have to pee which I expected because I made sure I was extra hydrated from the night before, plus the morning coffee. Soon as I got the towpath I stopped to pee and then had my first half sandwich and walked for a couple minutes, hence the 10:22 mile. These kinds of walk breaks are good practice, because I plan to walk while eating during my 50.

Ran along the tow path past Zarephath which was new to me. I haven't been up this far north on it. Including today, I think I've run on at least 15 miles of tow path which is pretty cool. I hit the turn around point just short of Davidson which made me feel like I had run pretty far a way because I was so close to 287. No problems so far. I had my second half pbj and did a bit more video. I had been going a bit faster on the tow path (mid 8s) so even with the walking break while eating and taking some video, I still managed a 9:30 mile.

A couple miles after this, my legs started feeling sore, and I think the affects of my saturday 10 miler were beginning to present themselves. At first I was a bit concerned because I could feel it in my shins and I was worried I was going to get a shin splint or even worse a stress fracture, but I think I was just being paranoid. And now in retrospect, I was definitely being paranoid. The truth is, that at these longer distances, all sorts of aches and pains start forming and you have to just accept that.

After a mile or so, I started to feel really good, and my legs were feeling great. I got off the tow path and ate my 3rd pbj half while walking up a slight hill and took some more video. This was a 10:07 mile. I was feeling good, but already looking forward to meeting up with the team back at Pete's. I had about 5 miles to go and I was a bit tired but not too bad. I got through the 5 miles with no issues, including a small walking break up the steep hill over the train tracks on hamilton. I met up with the group at 21 miles in 3:05:02, 8:48 pace. There is no way I could continue this for a 50M, but I think I could have kept it up for a 50K.

I ate 4 pbj halfs with a water and a half water/half gatorade. I think that worked well, but I have no idea if that's what I'm going to do at the 50m. I definitely need to order some s!caps. I had some salt lines on my face when I finished and this was half the distance and at cooler temps. I will need to supplement sodium and potassium for sure. I don't know if I'll need other food or mroe food for the later miles either. This still remains the thing I am most concerend about although the PBJs have been working great.

Looking forward to the 50K in two weeks!



Wow Dimitri! Congrats man - you're really making it happen. Keep up the awesome work - I'm impressed (and a little jealous) !!!


You know you've logged a long one when your list of mile splits takes a few seconds to scroll through. Terrific job getting this done, you should be proud of your path to the 50 miler this far - I'm a little jealous too!


This is extremely impressive! What is so sick is that you beat my Marathon time today! You are in fantastic shape and all your efforts have really paid off. Inspiring.


I agree with Pete, the word inspiration keeps coming to mind! Plus, you ran 10 miles the day before? You are a beast, a madman, a friggin' gazelle. Or possibly an antelope. I am blown away by your dedication and talents!