Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:05 PM

8.8 mi


8:06 mi


161 lb
165 bpm
181 bpm


73 F


9 / 10
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Holy crap did this suck. Thats two back to back bad runs, but this one was way worse. I think there were a few things at play here. Bad sleep last night, dehydrated (too busy with crap and wasn't paying attention to my lack of drinking), perhaps I'm still a little sick, and finally 72 now feels pretty warm after running in the 50s. The first 2 miles of the tempo portion felt pretty good. I thought my HR was a little high in that second mile but I was hoping it would stay in that range. No such luck. Once I got into the 4th and 5th mile my HR was crazy high and I was fighting to keep it under 8 minute pace. WTF? So then I said screw this I'm just going to push it so I can at least keep it under 8 minute pace regardless of HR. So my effort level was almost like a race because I was feeling so crappy even though I was barely moving.

So whats the takeaway from this? As I was running I had all these negative thoughts like maybe I should just go with 8:15 pace and maybe I won't even PR for the marathon. And while that may be true, I can't use this bad run as an indicator of anything but my lack of preparation and a bad day. I mean even after the tempo part during the cool down I was at 164 HR going above 9 minute pace. And finally, when I got home and drank 4 large glasses of water I was still down a bunch of weight on the scale. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

w/ 6 at tempo pace



Sorry to hear about 2 tough runs in a row, but it sounds like coming off a bad cold and dehyrdation are the main culprits here. My HR climbs in warmer weather for sure. But you handled it and maintained a quick pace. Chin up buddy, put it behind you this weekend.