Run: Easy Previous Next


12:15 PM

7.8 mi


9:00 mi


162.5 lb
153 bpm
172 bpm


90 F


7 / 10
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7.81 Willow Hillsborough Woods

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Holy crap! This was a tough run. The combination of where I am fitness wise and the heat outside made this a lot more difficult than I thought. First few miles were easy breezy, but then my level of effort and HR kept climbing even though I kept slowing down. Obviously not enough since my average hr was in the 160s for the last three miles. Makes me realize the potential for how slow I may be going if we get a hot day at R2C. If I'm completely honest, I would say I would not have been able to break 8 minute pace for this run today if I was going all out. Maybe even mid 8s. I think I may need to reevaluate the times in the plan.

Also, I wanted to note that I made the decision to cut it back last week and not do a longer run on Sunday. Now the plan will be to do about 25 this week, 28 next week and then about 30 the week of the race, including my legs, meaning I'll go into Saturday with about 13 miles. This is all assuming my knee feels alright. Right now, I'm feeling it a bit after this longer run. Need to ice and take some Advil.


Justin Miller

Wow. Not sure if 8 miles at noon on a day this hot would be categorized as a rookie or horse move. Pretty freaken awesome though. I think your mileage plan seems pretty solid. I plan on doing something similar. Think we are both in the unique situation of building where we'd normally be tapering.


Heck of a job D!

We have to keep you healthy buddy. Be careful out there. Stay hydrated!

Also, why do you have magical miliseconds on your stats?!?!?

"Where does he get these wonderful toys?" - Joker


Nevermind...I have it too...RA must have upgraded...


Solid work my friend. Sounds like my run 2 Sundays ago - insane heat and some hills as well, I don't think I could have gone any faster than 8:30-9 min pace if my life depended on it.