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6:23 AM

18.1 mi


8:56 mi


160 lb
149 bpm
173 bpm


31 F


5 / 10
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15.39 Pete's to Andy to auten valley farm P-loop to Pete's

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Well this was a mixed run. Personally, I felt great despite not having slept enough again because Sadie was not feeling well. At some point I was thinking of shortening it or not doing it all together, but thankfully she finally felt well enough to get some sleep. I woke up at 5:50 which is damn early for me. I got to Pete's, parked the car, and started running to Andy's. I met up with Andy and everything went great for the majority of the run. We were talking and keeping it in the low 8s. Things were good, but then with a couple miles to go, Andy's knee started to bother him. It went from bothering him, to being really painful pretty quickly. This was very upsetting.

If you are reading this Andy, I'm so sorry dude! That really sucks. I hope it gets better very soon.

After Andy and I got to Pete's, Joe and Pete were waiting for us and we did a nice 1.5 mile loop. It was the first time running with Joe, and running with 4 of us! Then we came back and picked up Sachin and Andy went to rest. Sachin did awesome, getting up to 1.5 miles! Also a monthly high for Joe with a 5k today. Andy joined us for a little bit at then end so there was a short time, where all 5 of us were running. This will be 5 of the 7 of us for River to Sea this summer. Can't wait!



It was a great run and a nice chance to get most of "the team" together for a bit, despite my unexpected knee trouble. I just felt bad about the terrible timing! Even if the orthopedist tells me to shut it down for a while, I shall return!


Nice work man - 60.3 for the week! And it's nice that you were able to coordinate running with several friends. That always makes the runs easier to tolerate. I hope Sadie is feeling better by now. I hope Andy's knee is doing better too. By the way, do you have 7 people on your team for R2C yet? Have a good run tomorrow morning. I should be done with my 14 miles by a long shot once you start :)


This was so much fun D! Thanks for organizing it. You only burned about 2,200 calories though...that is disappointing...haha! I always ran alone, so this was truly great, I feel like I can go twice as far when I have friends around!