Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:58 PM

7.8 mi


8:07 mi


167.2 lb
156 bpm
179 bpm


62 F


7 / 10
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Crazy warm weather for January. It was over 60! I decided to go a bit farther and throw in a 3 mile tempo portion because it's been a while since I did any speed. I planned on doing 750, 740, 730 and I thought that would be reasonable but then I forgot that last mile has a significant hill and that I always try to go faster than those limits so I definitely took it too hard for that last mile. But I'm cool with it because it's been a while.

So for the first time I feel like my core work is making a difference. When I was pushing hard in that last hard mile, I could feel my trunk was a bit more solid. It was a weird feeling but it gave me some confidence. Maybe it's all in my head :)

Also, I need to get back on the eating less food bandwagon. I mean I haven't really lost anything. I guess I'm gaining all this muscle :)



Nice work man! It must be tough to run that tempo pace when your core is now as thick and solid as the trunk of a giant oak tree. I'm picturing 6-packs going all the way around your torso. You are a beast!