Run: Long Previous Next


2:33 PM

20 mi


9:06 mi


160 lb
140 bpm
155 bpm


45 F


7 / 10
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Well I got this done. For some crazy reason I had this idea that it would be fairly easy. I figured I did 18 hard last week so this was 2 more miles at a relaxed pace. I kept saying this to myself, but it was no walk in the park. Turns out that 3 hours on my feet is still a lot of time for me. So even though I kept it really slow and my HR low, by the end I was pretty tired and my legs were feeling it. I could not imagine running 30 more miles, or even 10, but that's what training is for :)

In other news, I ran to Pete's and then ran a couple miles with him which was awesome. Both because I got to talk and run with Pete, and it perfectly broke up the monotony of running 3 hours by my lonesome.

Also, this was my first time running with two hand helds and I took half a pbj in each pocket. Everything worked out quite well. I ate the first half while taking it slow with Pete, and my second half while walking up a hill. I love PBnJs, which is good thing because all the ultra folks say they are the perfect food.

Also, this was my first time incorporating some walking on a run. I pretty much never walk. If I start walking, it means I'm done running. So this was weird, but I need to get used to it, because I will surely be walking some during my 50.

All in all a good first longish run with food.



Nice job on the 20 miler Dimitri! That was a very smart idea to incorporate walking into your training. For me personally, resuming my run after stopping to walk is difficult and almost a deal breaker on getting back into my pre-walking pace. When I begin training for an ultra, I'll have to practice this too. You're the man! Keep it up.


A 20 miler is impressive no matter how you slice it! I think Frank is right - getting used to some walking intervals during the run might be a good mental prep for the DG. I may have to try this PB&J deal - I was definitely in need of some calories after the 17. Way to go bro.


Jeez, 20 miles is a beast of a run. Great job out there! PB&J's rule. It is a good idea to make peace with the notion of walking during your training as you build up to 50 miles. Before you know it, you will plowing through 20 like it's nothing!