Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:52 PM

4.2 mi


7:14 mi


163 lb
165 bpm
175 bpm


46 F


8 / 10
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Nice Christmas day tempo run! Maybe went a bit too fast at the end but I was feeling good and wanted to keep speeding up. This marks the end of yet another 40 mile week which is great considering it's Christmas break and I didn't get to do a long run today.

I got a few running related gifts for Christmas that has me super duper motivated for 2012. I got Pfitzinger's Advanced Marathoning, Relentless Forward Progress (An Ultramarathon Book) and a couple DVDs on running. After reading some more on ultras and quickly perusing the training plan difference between 50Ks and 50 miles, I'm reconsidering actually doing a 50 miler in May. We'll see.

Everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the girls got many wonderful gifts and were very happy to give out the gifts they had made for everyone. I think Lucy was a bit overwhelmed by the day.

A very good day, and I am so very thankful today. Maybe this is just my runner's high :)
