Run: Pace Previous Next


7:30 AM

5.4 mi


8:08 mi


169.2 lb


70 F


7 / 10
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<No name>


Beautiful weather out. Early morning run with Andy down in Bethesda. We went faster than I normally go so I changed this to a pace run rather than an easy run, especially with the hills that I'm no longer used to. I'm glad I finally got a workout in after not doing anything for 3 days. It was great to run with Andy. It definitely makes it go by faster. I'm looking forward to working out more regularly now that I've found a gym at work! The last week was rough because I had something going on after work every day Wednesday though Friday so I could not work out. I'm not putting to much pressure on my self for this triathlon. I'm going to push myself and enjoy it no matter what. I'm really looking forward to it!
