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10:21 AM

15.8 mi


8:23 mi


162 lb
147 bpm
160 bpm


41 F


7 / 10
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15.87 Hillsborough Amsterdam Tow Path

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That was a sweeeeet run. Love the weather, maybe just a bit too windy, but the temperature was perfect. I did the reverse of my normal loop and started on the tow path. Really nice to just look around. Felt good the whole time. I made sure to drink enough water the day before and this morning and it paid off for sure. I think maybe that's what's been my problem for the last few runs.

This run makes this week over 50 miles! I am going to try to do something similar the next two weeks with minimal speed work and then I'll start the 12 week Pfitzenger plan. Looking forward to it!



WOW - what a finish to an incredible week my friend. 50+ miles! I predict a very, very solid 2012 for you... well on your way to checking off those hard goals!


Holy COW! Way to crush this week D! 50+ is a monster week. An 8:23 pace over that span is just are going to take 2012 out to the shed and then bury it with efforts like this!