Run: Tempo (tr) Previous Next


1:15 PM

7.8 mi


7:43 mi


160 lb
155 bpm
177 bpm


8 / 10
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Well, I'm an idiot. I did this too hard. I wasn't feeling it when I started and I pushed my way through it, but once again it was harder than what a tempo should be. And it was only two days ago that I ran my fast finish long run, so I don't know what my problem is. I think what I'm doing is forcing my fitness. I'm going to write a blog post about this, because I do it all the time and I need to stop. I get an idea in my head and I follow through with it even after I realize it's a bad idea. I'm hoping everything will be fine and all and I'm not injured or anything, but this is just one of these high risk / low reward combos I seem to love.

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

w/ 4 mi @ tempo pace



Sweet, lots of sub-7 minute miles here. Don't be so hard on yourself though, I understand the desire to 'rush into fitness'. It gets the better of athletes all the time. Besides, you have cool lime green compression thingys. How could you get upset with someone who has cool lime green calves?


Hulk must run faster!