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3 mi


5:51 mi

  • Map

<No name>


my goal was to get 4 in, but i was going to be okay if i only got 3. i went out really good in about 6 minutes and felt amazing, then i went against the wind and my chest really started hurting. i stopped once at about 1.25 miles and again at around 2. my legs felt great but the pain in my chest kept getting worse. at 3 i had to stop. i really could have done 4 maybe 5 today i felt so good. when i finished my 3 i ran bag to my house and my legs still felt great just the pain in my chest. my cooldown mile was 7 min so obviously my legs were okay. good and bad day, great my legs felt good but disappointed i couldnt go more. i had no idea i was going as fast as i was. i mapped the run online to double check and awesome.
