Run: Easy Previous Next


1:00 PM

2 mi


8:55 mi


125 lb


76 F


Got sick and tired of doing homework, so I went for a run instead. I basically just ran around on the course, avoiding all the major hills. My foot felt great compared to how it felt after running around at Baybrook on Friday, but it's still a little tender and my heel is kind of sore. My hip was sore, I sort of twisted it getting out of the car, and it did not let me forget that. But the biggest complaints came from my knees, so I just sort of focused on my music and zoned it all out. But I decided I'm running on Tuesday. I just want one last shot at it. I 'm not trying to break records, I'm not trying to race, I just want one last chance to run a 5K this season on my home turf, the exact home turf where I won it and set the record last year. I can't just let this pass me by.

If I can run two miles, I can run three. And I'm going to.

With these broken wings I'm falling...
