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4:00 PM


131 lb
  • Exercises


Sarah wasn't there today, so I had to make up a workout for myself. And there weren't that many people there, so it was like 5 physical therapists, 2 other kids, and me So we had a party. Just kidding. But it was fun. I started with 15 minutes on the elliptical, then did stretches, then all the lower body stuff that I normally do, but I did an extra set of lunges, but my hamstring hurt, so I decided to call it quits on the lower body stuff. So then I did a bunch of arm exercises. It's funny, because I work harder when I make up my own workouts. Probably because I don't have anyone to tell me when to quit. So I don't. But yeah, I'm starting to get worried that my quads and hamstrings and other lower body muscles are getting too bulky, because I am a distance runner, not a sprinter, and I do not need to be lugging all that muscle around. So I will talk to Sarah about it on Tuesday, probably. Like, it's good that my legs are strong, but I'm getting worried because they just look too bulky. Maybe I'm just getting fat. I am having issues losing weight. *sigh*
