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7:30 AM

26.2 mi


9:20 mi


130 lb


40 F

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Wow. Um, wow?

That was fun though. I'm game for doing that again. Or maybe a 30-miler. I think I could have gone longer if I had had to. When you're running 12-minute miles, you can go for days.

But I couldn't have done it without my friends. Or without impregnating Megan Lee? Wow. And apparently during mile 25 there was more talk of babies, and I'm not really sure what was said or what I said, but I remember laughing a lot, so whatever was said, I guess it was for comic relief lol. It's kind of scary to not remember what you said though lol, especially on the topic of small children lol. I imagine that's what it would feel like to be drunk or high; not remembering much and feeling like you're going to puke. It's okay, I'll pass on that. But I guess I would be okay with having Megan Lee's babies, or Mallory's or Laura's or anyone else who was there's, just because I love all my friends so much for being there for me and today would have been impossible without them. Especially after mile 16 or 17. Like, I would have just laid down and curled up into a ball and threw up and died if I didn't have people running with me.

But it was like a huge party. A huge, constantly-moving party.

I'm surprisingly not that upset about not qualifying for Boston. I think i've had enough time to let it sink it. Like, 10 miles worth of it. And ten long miles at that. I remember getting to mile 16 and being like "HOLY CRAP YOU MEAN I STILL HAVE TEN MILES OF THIS LEFT!!!???" But it's cool. I can deal. I have like, all summer to worry about it. And it was windy, and I had food poisoning three days before, and like broke my foot two weeks before, so hey. Can't complain. Although apparently I did. A lot.

And I so was not being mean to water ladies. I was really just kidding. And I don't think she heard me anyway. And I'm pretty sure I said "Gatorade," and she definitely gave me water. lol whatever.

So lessons learned:

1) Dress in layers that can be removed, no matter how cold you think it's going to be. It sucks to be at mile 20 and think "Man, my legs are really hot, I wish I could take my underarmour off."

2) Don't go out at a 1:47 half marathon pace and finish at like, a 2:18-ish one. That's just bad, and not pretty. And leaves you wanting to die.

3) Find GU that tastes better and doesn't have the consistency of snot.

4) Blow your nose so that you don't look like crap in pictures. I really wish someone would have said "You look like crap, blow your nose," and not just "Blow your nose." I really didn't know I looked that gross. I thought they were just offering it to me because they thought I needed to blow my nose. I really didn't, I just looked like crap.

5) Don't get food poisoning, have a head cold, and break your foot within like two weeks of your race and expect to be able to run the first 20 miles at the same pace you could a month ago. It just won't happen.

It's okay. I'll kick butt next time.

Because there will be a next time. Oh, will there be a next time.
