Run: Long Previous Next


7:00 PM

9 mi


8:07 mi


74 F


Dayyyyummmmm son. At this rate, I'm going to own the crap out of the A-10. Except for the heat. And the hills. I really hope it's only in the 80s. If it's even remotely in the 90s, I'm going to probably cut back to like an 8:30 pace. But as it stands now, I'd like to run under an 8 minute pace. So I need to do some hill training and maybe some track work. But today was encouraging. I cut 40 seconds per mile off in 2 weeks. Not bad at all though. I'm pretty proud of that run. I was really tired to start out with, and was only going to go for 6 miles. After I got to about 3 miles, I was considering the idea of 9 miles, and then got a debilitating cramp at about 3.75 miles, right near the BU Bridge. I was atually going to stop there, but I took a minute or so to walk it off, and it went away, so I kept going. I got to 5 miles, and was feeling great, so I decided to keep going from there too. Then I got to the Longfellow Bridge, and decided that even if I had wanted to stop, I didn't know how to get up to the bridge because there wasn't a ramp, so I might as well just go all the way. So I did. It was a nice run, and had few interruptions, which was nice. I like running along the river because you don't have those stupid crosswalks and traffic to deal with. The Esplanade is pretty much uninterrupted, which is a good deal.
