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5:15 PM

2.5 mi


6:20 mi


83 F
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So. I probably should be happy about PRing in the two by 18 seconds. But unfortunately, I learned how NOT to run the two mile. Which is always a nice thing to know.

Just for future reference, running the first mile as fast as you can and then "seeing what you have left" is pretty much the worst idea ever. Because there won't be anything left. And you will get passed by two people in the last 50 meters of the race. So you will get fifth instead of the third that you worked so hard to get for 3150 meters.

So I should probably be happy about PRing, and breaking 13, and running like, you know, the fastest official two mile that I ever have, but unfortunately that major milestone was completely ruined by the fact suddenly the focus was no longer "see how fast you can run," but "beat the girl in front of you," so when I didn't beat the girl in front of me, and instead got passed by two more, no one even cares that I ran an awesome time, because I let two people pass me in the last 50 meters of the race and am now a lousy racer. Woo go me. I feel so accomplished.

And of course, it is all my fault.

And then of course, I ran pretty much to exhaustion during the two mile, so I felt like passing out by the 8 and ran completely atrociously, and pretty much wanted to just die, and just pretty much spent the rest of the meet with an extreme desire to lay down and sleep. Which again, of course, is all my fault, because I don't eat enough.


Today was ridiculous. I can't even run for myself anymore.
