Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:30 PM

2 mi


7:17 mi


130 lb
  • Map



Wooooooooooo. Ran a freaking hott two mile while warming up for the meet. Even though I wasn't running or anything. But still. I wanted to put some miles in. So I like got up from my nap on the bus and probably no less than three minutes later was out on the track running my two mile. Bleh. But I came across the first mile in 6:43, and so I guess my second mile was something to the tune of 7:51, which is pretty crappy, but oh well. I was happy about the 6:43.

In other news, I was freakin tired today. I think my iron's starting to wear off. Either that, I didn't eat enough yesterday. But today was just not right. I think I need to start writing down what I eat again, because I honestly don't have time to sit down and eat half the time, so I just forget. And if I write it down, I'll be more likely to remember to eat, because then I'll get caught up in doing math with everything, which is always fun and entertaining. So yep. But hopefully I won't like go for a run tomorrow or sometime before my next infusion next week and then just die and end up running like 9:00s or something, because then I'd be sad, after all the progress I've made.

Alright, I'm going to freaking bed. I'm tired.
