Run: Repeats Previous Next


6:00 PM

11.2 mi


45 F
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@ HCC with Carlos and Brick in the high winds...

2.75 W/U from home to HCC track, 5xMile (400m jog) @ 5:20-5:25, 2.25 C/D from track to home

*Brick ran ahead of us for the first two repeats then did some 800s as he's running a 5k track race on Saturday

*my legs were sore so I did some stretching at the track and a few drills while I waited for the guys to get there

Workout splits: 5:21, 5:23, 5:21, 5:18, 5:17

Once I got the legs moving, the workout went well. Glad to see Carlos back out there! The wind was BRUTAL!!!
