Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:00 AM

6 mi


6:14 mi


70 F


Got lucky to wake up in time as my power went out overnight and my clock with alarm set wasn't working

*humid as a motherfucker again

*ran easy from the AC until Mile 3 on the bagel run course then hopped into the tempo run with Greg H, Jorge, Tunde, and Adam

*we ran to Mile 7 then did a U-turn at the parking lot and came back over to Wilde Lake path for 6 miles of tempo total

*the other guys fell off a bit the last couple miles but the humidity was brutal

*we walked back on the path until the others showed up then ran very easy for a cooldown back to the AC via the Wilde Lake path

Splits: 6:15, 6:11, 6:06, 6:14, 6:04, 6:29

It felt good to get the legs moving a bit faster and this 'uptempo'/endurance run is exactly what my out of shape ass needed!
