Run: Fartlek Previous Next


6:00 PM

10.1 mi


6:28 mi


26 F


Met up with Kent, TJ, Brick, David, and Jason for a run

*the track was not plowed from the recent ice and snow so we decided on a run on the roads

*did an easy 2.5 mile warmup in the surrounding neighborhoods then made a decision on a route

*Route: Tamar/Majors Ln/Phelps Luck/108/Thunder Hill/Stevens Forest/Kilamanjaro

*started easy then picked it up once we crossed 175 on Tamar

*cranked out a few sub-6:00 uphill miles before toning it down then picked it up again after crossing 175 back to OMHS

Very cold out and had trouble getting the legs to move but this run was more about effort than time. More snow and ice for Saturday...
