Run: Hill/flat mix Previous Next


11:06 AM

10.8 km


6:01 km


150 lb


25 C


6 / 10
7 / 10


Only mad dogs and Englishman go out in the midday sun. What was I thinking! I had to stop in the middle of the run and ask for a glass of water. Stopped and chatted to the guy for about 4 minutes so I was pleased with my time as my pace is ok and I kept the clock ticking during my oasis break. If I take off those four minutes I managed a 9:01 pace!!! It was hot, hot, hot today and I didn't have suncream on. If this is what it's like in the begining of summer I am going to cook at Waiheke! My new extension to the run saw some pretty steep little hills! All good practice!

I have never been so happy to see a large glass of iced water in my life.
