Bike: Interval Previous Next


3:00 PM

34 mi


18.72 mi / hr


85 F


6 / 10


2 x 20' with 2' rest. Should have been on the 596 but it rained at the end of the ride and the 595 was already dirty, so I went with that. I almost quit after the start of the second interval, but made it through.

271 watts for the first 20', 272 for the second 20'. I probably lost about 8-10 watts from traffic on the first interval and 5 or so on the second (for some reason I went through concord center). Still a little under FTP. It's actually less 20' power than i put out the last few times I did 6x5 intervals (including rests...) but considering the run in the morning, I'm happy I managed to get through it.
