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5:40 AM

13.1 mi


9:29 mi


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San Francisco half marathon, 1st half. Legs held up okay despite 50k last weekend. Left home at 4:10, arrived in the city at 4:50 and parked at Mission & 1st. Walked 3 blocks to the starting area. Security was looking at bags this year, but that didn't hold us up very long. Waited by bag check trucks until the 1st wave left, then checked our sweats and made it just in time for the tail end of the 2nd wave, which left at 5:35. Had electrolyte drink at presidio aid station before heading uphill to the bridge. One GU plus water at vista point turnaround, then more water at top of the hill at Land's End before heading downhill. Rolling hills into the park didn't feel too hard this year.
