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5:30 PM

1600 m


4:36 mi


60 F


Solid time trial. Was still not feeling great right before it, and was a bit nervous. My mom came to watch. The football team was about to have a game so there were some people around. I did 3 strides around the track and just set to work. Went out in 68 just as I hoped, but I probably positive split that. I was feeling pretty lethargic. I dropped a 70 and wasn't feeling great. Once I got to 600 to go I was like, well just pick it up a little bit right now and kick hard the last 400. I ran a 70-mid and was at 3:28-high 3:29The pain didn't really set in until then anyway. I was able to really run on pure hate the last lap, thinking of a certain thing and just eviscerating myself from there on it, hammering down the backstretch and really digging for an all-out sprint on the final straightaway. It's the first time I've really sprinted all out since I started running again at all. And it was dope. I closed in 65 for sub 4:34. My goal was to break 4:35 but I was really hoping for 4:33. So I'm quite happy with this. It bodes quite well for my 5k next week.
