Bike: Interval Previous Next


4:20 PM

25.2 mi


15.81 mi / hr


65 F
  • Map


Tough ride. Hadn't done long rides for a while so I was slightly tired and sore from yesterday. Did similar to my usual workout; warmed up to Grafton in 28:26 (154 avg). Then tried to ride controlled up the hill. Did pretty well and only maxed out at 180. Kept it at tempo all the way into Chester (24:06 with 174 avg) with the plan to do that all the way until the top of PV rd, as I've done before. However, My phone case fell off the bike at 30 mph and I had to stop and go back to get it. My legs locked up so I took an easy 3:00 ride just to get the blood flowing again (145 avg) then did just a simple 10 minute tempo (avg 172). By then I was very tired so just rode easy all the way back. 30:07 at 148 avg. Really suffered the last few miles. Solid workout though.
