Run: Easy Previous Next


3:15 PM

3.5 mi


8:05 mi


42 F


Ran with coach Eno after school. An extremely dark day. Kind of cool. The wind and snow went crazy when we started, but then eased off nicely. I felt alright. Running on the trails and with someone is much easier than solo on a flat open field. Probably go slower, but feel more controlled. The run seemed to take no time at all, compared to my prior solo efforts. It's good to be back! However, if I'm honest, my right foot is hurting more and more. At least my left foot feels fine today. Supposedly there was no stress fracture in the right foot, so I'm okay with it hurting. I'm just going to massage and ice it aggressively. Hopefully it'll feel better as I increase my mileage. After the run I stretched, and am about to do a hard core workout, in addition to my glute and hip stuff. Gotta get in the pool soon.
