Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:00 AM

4.6 mi


5:36 mi


46 F
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Resevoir #6


Did a few strides to warm up, then incinerated this tempo. Was trying to average 5:40 so I figured 5:50 at the mile would do it. I hit 5:45 with an effort that might have been a tiny smidge more than I wanted, but I figured if I kept going the same pace it would be manageable. Instead I dropped a 5:41 and was working at two miles, but I knew I wasn't racing. Went 5:35, finished the loop is 21 (without running to the car), headed out on another loop and hit 5:25, then ran 5:26 pace for the last .6 up the hill. Was working at the end with a high HR, so it was a hard tempo. But it was easier than the one I did two weeks ago, faster, and further. Lowered my CR on the last mile to 5:28, and was only 5 seconds off of my loop CR (and sped up after that.) This hurt but I think I could've gone nearly twice as far at this pace honestly. So it definitely wasn't a race. Really pleased with my fitness right now. My aerobic strength is way above where I've ever been. I'm hyped. If I can just get my eating and drinking under control I'll go back down to 133ish and will crush running. I put on a few pounds in my chest in arms from lifting hard, and maybe some in my leg muscles. My lower body is stronger than ever. My upper is getting close to where I was in the winter. My core is its strongest ever as well. I'm going to annihilate this indoor season, and we're going to see what happens when I can actually train. And next summer, after some 60 mile weeks, people are going to realize what could've happened in high school. Let's fucking roll.
