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9:50 AM

61.8 mi


17.19 mi / hr


78 F


Epic suffer fest combining my three main loops the normal way. Went out and was just hurting from the first climb on. Thought I'd get stronger but starting on such a miserable climb just wrecks everything. I think I felt much better yesterday because I was rarely hitting any steep grades. But there were a lot today. 4448 feet of elevation gain according to mapmyride, 4300 according to Strava. Tried to take the climbs relaxed, didn't do a great job of that. I just felt bad. Suffered on the hills. Stopped at home for a few minutes to get water and eat some food. Headed out dreading the Patch Road climb, and it was as awful I thought it would be. The second climb on the back had my quads screaming for respite. Was very happy to be done. I think I just finished off another 10 hour week.
