Run: Long Previous Next


9.8 mi


6:59 mi


50 F
  • Map

Rail Trail


Long run with Coach, Sayers, and Levi at the rail bed. Felt very, very, good today. We started off slowly, at coach and Larry's pace. I literally felt weightless and didn't breath at all. I don't think I've felt as good as I did at that point this whole season. We weren't even going that slowly though! I don't remember our bridge or ditch sign splits exactly, but they were right on par with my fastest times this year. The farm was reached in about 28:35. We got to the 30 minute spot in about 29:50, so fastest this year. And it still felt like a slow jog. Coach and Larry turned around at about 33 minutes, and Levi and I continued on to the 10 mile spot. We got there in 36:48. That's a little slower than the other time we ran this this year, but that time we really picked it up after the farm. This time I felt really good, and Levi must have as well. The way back felt faster, definitely. I was breathing a little bit. However it was still comfortable. I guessed we were rolling about 6:30's. We talked the whole way back about running. He kinda one stepped it, so the pacing was his doing. But it was cool. We ran 31:34 for the way back. Jesus. That's 6:08 pace. I don't really know how that happened, but it wasn't even that hard. I guess what's happening here is my talent is just showing through. I don't have a base, I only have 7 weeks where I've gone over 35 miles. However I've dropped 16:18 on a long course and just absolutely crushed this long run with ease. If I don't get hurt I will be top 10 in New England with a sub 16. No doubt. If my running is consistent I could potentially qualify for Footlocker two weeks after that, and then run under 4:20 this winter. Also about 9:30 for 3200 indoors would be good. EDIT: Almost five years later I'm going back and updating the distance, because it's definitely under ten miles. I didn't run 6:08 pace on the way back lol.
