Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:35 PM

6400 m


5:41 mi


75 F
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Decent workout. The goal was to not go faster than 2:50 (and do 30 second rests.) I was expecting around 2:52-2:55. I overshot that a little, but I stayed locked into the pace well, and the rests went 40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 60, 40. One thing I've noticed is that the difference between "tempo" pace or close to it, and "race" pace (3,200-5,000) is that on tempo repeats, you find yourself naturally speeding up, even if it hurts. On race pace repeats, you need razor sharp focus and you need to muscle through the misery to even maintain the pace. So that's a good sign for this workout; I found myself naturally speeding up even as I tried to keep it even. It hurt a lot, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to. My heart rate maxed around 185 after the last rep because I brought the rest back down, I think. I'm pretty sure it was around 180 for most of it. My toe definitely hurt. But whatevs. Hank tried to fix it today and it seemed better, but once I started running it was back to normal. And the conditions for this workout should have been good, in the 70s, but the 180% humidity pretty much negated that. I've literally never experienced humidity to that degree. Two things I did differently for this workout; wore half tights because I thought it would be colder, and ran all the repeats clockwise. Overall, I'm happy with it. Building up that strength baby.
