Bike: Easy Previous Next


3:40 PM

25.3 mi


18.3 mi / hr


61 F
  • Map


Good solo ride, crushed my route record by 2 minutes. Was going pretty slow to grafton and got there in 28:56. I knew that I had a pretty miserable headwind but I wasn't sure if I would benefit from it on the way back. I got to the top of the hill just over 34 minutes and started to try to push a little bit. I started going a little faster and got to Chester in around 51:45. Then I started crushing it with the tailwind and hit the hour at 17.18 miles. Was hurting but pushing hard. Got to Pleasant Valley just over 1:09 and cranked it around 14 minutes. Just missed 1:22 but probably would've gotten it if I hadn't had to take the sidewalk down. Pretty awesome ride though. Great workout. I covered the last 18.33 miles in 55:07, over 20 mph I think. Gonna break 1:20 by the end of the year.
