Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:37 AM

3.7 mi


6:20 mi


52 F
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Resevoir #6


3x20 second strides. Welp. I don't know what the fuck happened here. Tried to get out relaxed, and felt maybe a tiny bit better than last time, when I had to stop, but was WAY slower. 6:27 at the mile. 6:32, 6:18, 5:54 pace. I was able to hold it together, but it was harder than tempo effort. I don't know if I could have even held that pace through to 10k, it just really, really hurt. I bagged the post-tempo strides. Maybe I'm under-fueled, just tired from the workout Tuesday, or the whole training regimen. I won't pool run later, and I'll try to stay off my feet as much as possible. But this bodes terribly for the race.
