Bike: Easy Previous Next


1:05 PM

25.7 mi


15.8 mi / hr


72 F
  • Map


Came home for the week and took advantage of the beautiful weather for a nice ride before Euro 2016 and the Olympic Trials. Ate nachos before the ride and battle the wind out to Grafton. Got there in 31:35, not feeling good at all. The hill was brutal, and I thought it was about to get ugly. I was also thinking ahead to the imminent bike trip, which will feature numerous climbs. But I started to feel stronger, and probably turned away from the wind, as well as taking advantage of the downhill. I got to Chester in just under the hour, and hit PV Rd in 1:20, cruising along, actually thinking about pro running/cycling/politics. I put in a moderate effort on both hills, sprinting up the final short thing, and rolled in for a 1:37. Not feeling particularly tired. I am apparently in decent shape without much training. The tour should push me along hard before I make the transition to running again. In a very optimistic today.
