Bike: Easy Previous Next


3:35 PM

25.6 mi


18.34 mi / hr


85 F
  • Map


Good ride with Willie after work. Was strong and got to Chester in 38:16 I believe at 11 miles. Climbed relaxed for a while, but had to deal with a traffic stop. Had trouble getting going again and Willie opened up a big gap on me. Attacked hard on the steep part of the climb and took fifth place on the segment, and sixth for a longer segment including it. For the shorter segment, I produced 399 watts which is probably my most ever. I rode moderate from there to the next climb when Willie came flying to me and I pushed harder for the rest of it to stay with him. Hit Grafton in around 1:04:50 and came home hard. I did all of the work today, though Willie wasn't always right behind me, he would often swing wide. Fastest ride for the this direction of this route and second fastest overall.
