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5 km


4:59 mi

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Stumptown #2


Stumptown #2 with a little bit of rain before the race and another great field. The race went out in a big pack up front. There were are least 20 runners up front, making the first turns shaky. The group included the Baumans, McChesney, Nicks, Josh, Marcus, a couple UP frosh, Jackson Baker, and many others. At mile 1 McChesney moved to break up the group as we went through at 5:00 flat. Nicks chased and smaller group moved but held back somewhat. I was in that second group initially, but as McChesney thought better of his move and slowed, we were quickly back in a group of 7 or 8 up front with everyone back in contact by mile 2. We split 9:59 there and Nicks moved hard. Only Jackson Baker gave chase. I sat back a bit with McChesney, a UP frosh, and couple others. I lost contact with McChesney and a fading Baker up the hill and was passed by both UP runners. As we hit the straights to the finish, one of the UP runners kicked hard for second. I was able to recover to pass the other UP runner, and with considerable effort, Baker. I darn near caught McChesney and we finished with identical times, he in 3rd and I in 4th. OG beat Sam in rivalry effort. Bridget was 2nd and Renee 4th. Great race.
