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11.3 mi


6:42 mi

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This is a clone of Mark Doss' log. Liz ended up clipping my heels a lot. I think both of us are not used to running in groups. Especially very tight ones...

I didn't appreciate the triple jumpers walking out in front of us when we were 15 meters away. I feel like the aggravation in the voice of that triple jumper when I yelled track to go around was certainly not called for. Yes, I sympathize that we should step out to go around, but we were not told they'd be doing that before the workout, and stepping out 15 meters before we get there is not very nice. Yay team work...

It was an interesting experience to have my own workout group based on my race performance, but this just tells me that I had a very bad race as the workout was not at all taxing until the last 800. At that point, Liz was gone, and I guess we felt less obligated to run pace without her.

Knee is feeling even better, no clicking. I'm hoping a few months of going to the training room and trying to sleep on my right side will fix my pelvis...


Communications: Sir, we've intercepted a signal.

Capt: Let's hear it.

"Frank Wen: Did you read the article about the perfume that Lady Gaga is coming out with?

Mark Doss: Yea..., the one that is supposed to smell like semen and blood? How much is that going to cost?

Frank Wen: I could make it for cheaper."

1 hour later:

(Bad Romance is audible)

Lawton: Oh my God, I love this song!
