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3 km


5:05 mi


149.4 lb
  • Map

<No name>


This was my watch time. FAT had 9:28.4. This is a substantial PR. My objectives going in were:

1) PR.

2) Beat Spiegel (sorry Sam)

3) Go out in 5:00

4) Close last 1600m in 5:00 (failed)

As it ended up, I was trailing some North Central men, but there was no one else to run with. Ended up going through the mile in 4:53, only 4 seconds off my PR mile. I knew I would just try to hold on as much as possible. I actually passed Sam Butler twice. Gave him a good kick in the pants, but I did not have enough to run with him. I think I would have had more kick if I had been in Contact with Butler, but I'm not sure.

Felt awful after the race. Couldn't really breathe. In hindsight, I think I was developing a cold. Perhaps I could have gone faster... I'll find out next time I run a 3k.


"Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near?"

May be I should put this in a workout CD as a joke:
