Aqua Jogging: Default Previous Next


2 mi


8 mi / hr

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<No name>


Aqua Jogging I think is something I want to integrate if I'm not feeling too bad. I recall it hurting when I tried it in late January, but its been a long time. I was puzzled when it hurt me after 7 minutes or so. It seemed to be dully hurting on the head of the fibula, but that area is not tender (nor is the hamstring tendon). I think I have some muscle strength issue there that I failed to address in the past. The area behind the knee gets a workout from this, which is the area that felt almost like something was missing when i would be controlling my foot in the act of walking down stairs. Also my hamstring drill won't hurt either. I'm afraid of running with pain in my hamstring tendon, as I could be realyl tearing up the tendon without realizing it because there are forces in volved, but the aqua jogging is so gentle that I a less afraid of it.
