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8.9 mi


6:40 mi


153.2 lb
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Henry Crown



This was a pretty rough workout, but I started out pretty sore so I suppose its ok considering,,,

I got out of work about 25 min later than expected. Consequently, I was forced to warmup on the indoor track. I really should have gone for the short warm up on the indoor track, but unwisely went full length.

I was fine until I got to the end of the 800, and found I had nothing for the 600m. I felt almost a bit asthmatic, but I don't think I was actually getting asthma... Left leg is barely holding up, I'll just go for a short run tomorrow...

Shoes are also getting old - the log records they have 109 miles, but I think I put about 170 unlogged miles on them, and I usually need new shoes at 300 miles...
