Run: Interval Previous Next


8:10 AM

6.1 mi


8:09 mi


158 lb


70 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


Intervals/almost fartlek... 3 min on, 3 min off. Goal was to see what I could do and try to do 6 of these with the aim of getting as close to 6:00 as I can. Basically, just go for it.

So 1 mile warm-up 7:59

2:56 .46 (6:24)

3:00 .48 (6:12)

3:00 .48 (6:14)

2:59 .44 (6:46)

3:01 .43 (7:04)

2:59 .42 (7:03)

Recovery jogs most of the way...after the first 3 I walked a little at first and then jogged. The last 3 were against a strong wind, but the legs were gone. Thought about not doing the final 3, but well worth it by the end.

Next time the goal will be to stay more even toward a 6:20-25 pace. It was still good to see the 6:12 and 6:14 as possible and knowing I'm holding them close to a half mile. Next interval workout will be distance in 3:20.
