Run: Easy Previous Next


5:16 AM

5.1 mi


9:04 mi


155 lb


42 F


6 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map



Getting down to the last runs with these shoes, but I've really had some good ones and they still feel great. They are shoes Jennifer bought me at Kohls and brought them home without me trying them on at all. Worked out well.

Some sharp pain in my right leg up by my hip (just below it, back side). Really feels like my HS, but started feeling it yesterday during work and got worse as the day/night went along. Felt worst when I didn't put weight on it and it was moving/swinging to step. Hoping it is muscular, so this morning I took the option of running very easy and with any pain I would quit and go home. Well, really there was no pain when I woke up and no pain when I ran. Stretching a little it did feel like my HS,but that has been the norm for almost 6 months now.

Started at a very slow pace and decided to "listen to my body" and ended up right around my marathon pace (8:30). This was good for me because I believe it marks the first time I've run over 9:00 pace avg in over 5 weeks.

Very dark this morning. A lot of critters this morning and I just read that article in Runner's World about the family that was attacked by dogs on their run out in CA last November. Crazy. Makes you think.

9:46/9:12/9:04/8:45/8:32 and final .07 in :37 (8:16)

